Protecting your online safety


Protecting your online safety

Please see the links below if you need help with any of these issues…

Top tips for staying safe online


  • Be careful what you share - Once something is online, it’s out of your control. If you don’t want your parents, teachers or employers to see it, don’t post it.
  • Don't post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile number. 
  • Don't meet people you don't know in person. Even if you get on with them online, you never know who they really are
  • Use a complex password - It should be hard for other people to guess your password and it's a good idea to change it regularly.
  • Check your privacy settings - Check who can see what you post and whether your accounts are public or private.
  • Talk about it - If you see something online that makes you upset or uncomfortable, talk to an adult you trust.


For advice and information :