


What is the menopause?

Menopause basically means the last natural period. Periods stop because the ovaries become unable to produce the hormones, estrogen and progesterone as they get older. Less hormone means the lining of the is not stimulated like it is in a normal cycle. 

Periods often become less regular before they stop altogether.  

Menopausal symptoms can include hot flushes, night sweats, mood swings, fatigue and brain fog and many more


Perimenopause it the stage from the beginning of the menopausal symptoms to the post menopause


Post menopause is the time following the last period and is usually defined as more that 12 months with no periods.


Contraception around the menopause

Contraception is still important around the menopause. It is important to use an effective method until at least 1 year past the last natural period if you are over 50 and 2 years if you are still under 50.

Obviously, certain hormonal methods of contraception can stop or reduce periods but do not cause menopause. 

Alternatively, you can just continue using contraception until the age of 55, especially if you are on a method that stops your periods anyway

Most methods of contraception are suitable to use up until menopause, depending on your personal circumstances, medical history and choice. The only exception to this are combined hormonal methods ie the pill, patch of vagina ring which are only advised to a maximum age of 50.

Whilst Depo Provera and Sayana Press can still be used over the age of 50, there are safer alternatives and you should discuss this with your health care provider.

The average age menopause is 51/52 years but symptoms often start around age 47.

Early menopause is defined as being before age 45 and premature menopause is before the age of 40. 

Late menopause can also occur but by age 54, 80% of women will be menopausal. 

Hormonal changes around the menopause affect everyone differently. Attention to healthy lifestyle and diet is important. Not everyone will want or need treatment but there are various options available including hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and various alternative therapies and treatments.

If you are having troublesome symptoms, please see you GP.


Please click on the following  useful links for further information


The following link can be useful for women who experience premature menopause under the age of 40:


Women’s Health Concern has a series of useful factsheets on health, well-being and lifestyle