IUD/IUS Information


IUD/IUS Information

There is new evidence that some intrauterine devices (coils) can work for longer than was previously thought.

You may not need your IUD changed on the date that you were told when it was fitted.

Please check the table below and call 0345 337 9900 if you have any queries.



Mirena – for contraception



 8 years or until age 55 if fitted after 45th birthday


Mirena/ Levosert/ Benilexa - as part of HRT


 5 years


Mirena - just for heavy periods

 Keep for as long as it is working - remove age 55





6 years for contraception (please call the clinic to discuss)




 5 years




 3 years


Copper IUD


 5 to 10 years depending on which type you have - check your card or call the clinic. Can work until the menopause if fitted after 40th birthday. Remove 1 to 2 years after final period.