STIs and BBVs overview


STIs and BBVs overview

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) and Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs) overview

If you are worried that you might have a sexually transmitted infection (STI), or have been in contact with a sexually transmitted infection you should make an appointment to see your doctor (GP), or go to your local sexual health services. They will be able to help you.

To make an appointment call Grampian Sexual Health Services on:

0345 337 9900

If you don’t have symptoms but have had unprotected sex and want an STI and/or HIV test, we may be able to offer you an at home postal testing kit. This can be sent to your home to complete and return. Please call our reception team for more information.

If you are experiencing symptoms of an STI, it is important that you see a healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.

Information about common Sexually Transmitted Infections are covered in this section.