
Feedback Covid Service Update


If you are preparing for the insertion or removal of a contraceptive implant, please read this information leaflet before attending:

Contraceptive Implant: Fitting or removal - Information for women


How does it work?

  • Small, flexible rod put under the skin of the upper arm, inserted using local anaesthetic which makes the area numb.
  • Releases the hormone progestogen. This stops you ovulating, thickens the mucus in the cervix (neck of the womb) to prevent sperm reaching the egg and thins the lining of the womb so that a fertilised egg can’t implant. have kindly supplied these videos for information purposes only. If you require any contraception services, please contact us directly on 0345 337 9900. 


What’s good about it?

  • Over 99% effective.
  • Works for 3 years. 
  • Easily removed by a doctor or nurse when needed
  • When it’s removed your fertility (ability to get pregnant) will return to normal.

What might the disadvantages be?

  • Periods may stop, be irregular or last longer.
  • You may get acne or acne might become worse.
  • You will need a small procedure to remove it.


Where can I get it?

  • You can get get it from your GP or local sexual health clinic.


To help manage the overwhelming demand for coil and implant appointments, the service is now operating a wait list for these procedures, so patients can be triaged according to need. Please contact our reception team to be added to the wait list.


For more detailed information about this method and also more information on which method to choose visit